Grocery Shopper Long Island

The dumpling payment credit card is not accepted everywhere. No longer in business.

The dumpling grocery shopping app does not support the inventory of many stores. Clients must add each product individually and manually.

The dumpling payment credit card is not accepted everywhere. No longer in business.

Download the dumpling shopping app on Google Play.
Click to download the dumpling app in the App Store
dumpling grocery delivery

Grocery Shopper Long Island

Stop paying more for a service you can receive for less and receive quality customer service.

There are many reasons why someone would hire a dumpling grocery shopper over other grocery apps.

Dumpling shoppers are small business owners who pay to use the dumpling application to run a grocery shopping service.

Dumpling shoppers set their prices and schedules and are not limited to what they can do for their clients, like with other shopping apps.

A dumpling shopper is a personalized shopper you get to know and can rehire.

Customers can place a grocery order beforehand and reach out to their dumpling shopper or shoppers to request same-day service.  

Forming a relationship with dumpling shoppers gives easy access to a dumpling shopper you are familiar with.

Placing a grocery order in the dumpling application saves you money by not paying a credit card processing fee.

Some dumpling shoppers don’t charge their clients a 5% platform fee, and the dumpling application never markup product prices.

Review the pricing structure below.

Each personal shopper is a small business owner offering a shopping service on the Dumpling platform.

Dumpling small business owners are in charge of setting their pricing. Shopping & delivery fees may vary per store. 

Here’s a general breakdown of the pricing structure: 

Groceries – you pay in-store prices and get your store receipt upon delivery 

Shopping & delivery fees – are set by the shopper and may vary per store at a flat rate or a percentage of the grocery total.

5% platform fee– this may not be listed on your order, as some business owners cover this fee themselves.

The dumpling application is free and charges no membership fees.

Hire a dumpling shopper to shop at a standard store, a farmer’s market, or a specialty store.

Download the Dumpling Shopper Service App

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Stop paying more for grocery delivery. Hire a dumpling shopper and save. Always pay in-store prices.

How to create a dumpling shopping list –

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