Why write about creating a personal ecosystem on MyIncomeJob.com? I want people to understand that I’m an average everyday person who decided to develop new skills to fit today’s opportunities in technology. I saw the opportunity to create an ecosystem of my own. I spent years learning how to use programs to build websites. I mastered SEO (Search Engine Optimization), show company ads on my website’s real estate space that earn me daily residual income, generate sales of products and retain leads who choose to pay to use monthly services. As a bonus, I earn daily income as a Youtube partner and from a couple of Apps I promote. I’ve created a personal ecosystem to give myself a hedge over inflation. I developed an ecosystem to produce income and gained enough financial education to have my money work for me when not always working for money.
Below is content I wrote while researching a topic for my other website StoreBuy.shop. I did not use all of the written content, so I figured to share it here at MyIncomeJob.com. Gaining new skills gave me more opportunities to produce content that produces income. You can develop a personal ecosystem of your own too.
A hobby turned into a passion, and the hobby turned into a passive income stream. My journey started about 2008, and I moonlighted on my hobby/passion while working a W2 job. I now work for myself. I’m an Independent Contractor, a small business owner, and an Internet Entrepreneur. I now have the freedom to choose when to work and when to play while showing others they can do the same.
Build your ecosystem to live in an economic ecosystem. Maximize your cash flow.
An ecosystem is a community of living beings and nonliving components interacting. The world consists of many different types of ecosystems. In short, an ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms like weather and landscapes work together to form an ecosystem.
Time goes fast, and the average person runs the rat race to eat and shelter. Unless educated and self-disciplined, the fast food industry attracts people who don’t have or make the time to prepare quality clean food, and fast food gets eaten daily. Organic, clean food is pricy too. What’s the downfall of eating processed fast food daily? Lack of nutrients, deteriorating health developing into poor health and eventually requiring medical attention leading to taking pharmaceutical medication. It’s a vicious cycle of not living your best life. Genetically modified foods damage a person’s health.
When a person takes the time to start eating organically produced foods, their taste palettes know when they eat genetically modified foods. A person’s taste buds learn the difference in the production of food.
A person can make small steps to healthier eating and can do so by growing food of their own. Even in small spaces, a person can plant a few vegetable plants indoors to start the process of growing organic vegetables. It’s a start. Consider planting a few organic vegetable plants to start the process of eating healthier.
Visit StoreBuy.shop to review the work I’m creating over there.