Free URL Inspection

The Google Search Console gives a website developer an in-depth overview of a website’s performance and checks to see if web pages are indexed. Taking the time to make sure all of your website’s URLs are indexed can help increase visitors and improve revenue.

The Google Search Console is free to use. However, you need to have an Adsense account to use it (I believe this to be true). I could not sign in using a Gmail account not linked to an Adsense account. I signed into my Adsense account, opened a new tab, and typed into the field

I recorded a videos to show how I use the URL Inspection Tool to check my website’s URLs. After using the free Google Search Console, I noticed a boost in traffic and daily revenue. Watch the video below to learn how to use the Google Search Console URL Inspection Tool.

URL Submitted and Indexed to Google
URL Submitted and Indexed to Google
URL Crawled but Not Indexed
URL Crawled but Not Indexed
Google URL Index Inspection
Google URL Index Inspection
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