
I Support John Deaton and XRP Investors

XRP retail investors need your help Congress. Because of the corrupt actions of William Hinman, innocent XRP investors are now in a ruinous position in their investment in XRP. XRP investors understand the use case of Ripple’s native token and the loss they will endure if no investigation of Mr. Hinman’s action happens.

I’m asking Congress to review Empower Oversight’s gathered evidence of Mr. Hinman’s dishonest actions of ignoring clear directives from the Ethics office to not meet with a list of entities in which he had a direct financial interest. SEC’s internal emails show Mr. Hinman communicating and repeatedly meeting with an entity from which he received millions of dollars while in office, including on the same day that entity had IPO business before his division.

I’m a retail XRP investor waiting patiently on the sidelines for Congress to begin the process of the needed investigation of Mr. Hinman’s actions.

I’m here to show support and gratitude to John Deaton, who is suing the SEC because the SEC is suing Ripple. Mr. Deaton’s selflessness offers his time and expertise to help protect innocent XRP retail investors.

As a result of Mr. Hinman’s decision, the value of XRP has dropped by more than 50% and continues to fall. Investors are now questioning whether or not they should stay in the market and continue holding their position in XRP or move out until this matter gets resolved.

Ripple Labs is in a position to help XRP investors by taking action against Mr. Hinman for his corrupt actions, and that future regulators will be held accountable for their illegal actions. The integrity of the cryptocurrency market depends on it.


Letter to Congress to support John Deaton – https://youtu.be/7Ku53vrRhts

I’ve been writing a weekly letter to Congress to help support John Deaton.

#crytpo #cryptocurrency #johndeaton #cryptolaw #money #congress

XRP Digital Asset
XRP Digital Asset
Letter to Congress to support John Deaton – Crypto Law


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