The dumpling payment credit card is not accepted everywhere. No longer in business.
The dumpling app does not support the inventory of many stores. Clients must add each product manually.
The dumpling payment credit card is not accepted everywhere. No longer in business.
Don’t be taken for a fool like I did. Why would anyone pay to use a blank app to start a shopping business? You will pay to use a blank app, and you will be the person who teaches clients how to use it while you pay to use it. Buy your own blank app to start a grocery shopping business. The dumpling app does not supply a store’s inventory.
Dumpling created a business model of becoming a middleman while using many businesses’ store platforms without the company’s permission. Dumpling gets people to pay to use their app, tells those people to gain clients on their own, and covers the cost of the grocery bill and fees using the Dumpling Visa credit card. Then Dumpling sends you the fees you charge a client. However, the Dumpling Visa credit card is not accepted everywhere and more stores can decline payment from people using the Dumpling Visa credit card.
The Dumpling app does not supply a store’s inventory. Clients must manually add products to the shopping list.
People who choose to pay, pay to use a blank empty app. It is your job to train clients how to use the app and how to add products to the app.
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Grocery Store Shop and Deliver
The Dumpling payment Visa credit card is not accepted everywhere.
The story shared in this article discusses my experience and my opinion. Form your own opinion.
The Dumpling app does not supply store inventory. If you give a lot of time to get your shopping business off the ground, you might as well purchase or build a blank app of your own and write it off as a tax deduction. Stop working for free to make someone else rich. –
I don’t understand your issue w Dumpling / trader Joe’s? If a customer approaches you to do a shop there why not just handle it off the dumpling platform?
Now the store managers know why I am and what I do. I was building relationships with them. I don’t want to lie when entering their stores. The last few times I entered a Trader Joe’s to shop for myself, the same worker came over to me to ask if I was shopping for myself or a customer. I don’t want to lie and disrespect anyone. Not worth it.
If Trader Joe’s can decline the dumpling Visa credit card, so can other stores.